Technical and Administrative Staff

Dr. Snehalatha L

Technical Officer

Email :
Phone : 01332-285734

Nature of Duties: Department related presentation, reports, fund utilization/ tracking, call for proposals, facilitate seminar/conference, document preparation for department equipment purchase/repair/ tracking, etc. 


Sr. Tech. Supdt.

Email :
Phone : 01332-286448

Nature of Duties:Administrative and technical duties of VLSI Design Lab, Sponsored Lab and SMDP lab, Dept. Website maintenance, Management of Dept. social media platforms, Projects of MEV group, Liaison between ECE Dept and ICC, Preparation of purchase/tendering related documents, presentations, etc.

Mr. Mukesh Kaushik

Senior Superintendent

Email : mukesh.aad[at]
Phone : 01332-284335

Nature of Duties: Supervision of dept. office & accounts and bill realted office work of ECE Deparmtent.

Mr. Navin Kr. Singh

Jr. Tech. Supdt.

Email : navinksingh[at]
Phone : 01332-286412

Nature of Duties: Maintenance of lab & conducting practical labs of IInd & IIIrd year students.

Mr. Sunil Kumar

Jr. Lab Asstt.

Email : NIL
Phone : 01332-286439

Nature of Duties: All Lab work

Mrs. Ankita Kulhari

Jr. Lab Asstt.

Email : ankita.mec[at]
Phone : 01332-286412

Nature of Duties: Lab maintenance and take care of instruments & help during lab practical.

Mr. Sunil

Jr. Lab Asstt.

Email :
Phone : 01332-286413/6416

Nature of Duties: Lab maintenance and take care of instruments & help during lab practical.

Mr. Nitin Saini

Jr. Lab Asstt.

Email : nitin.mec[at]
Phone : 01332-286224

Nature of Duties: Lab maintenance and take care of instruments & help during lab practical.

Mr. Safkat

Sr. Attendant

Email : NIL
Phone : 01332-286406

Nature of Duties: Maintain deptt. Lawn, Kyari and flower pots

Mrs. Anchal

Sybex Staff

Email : headeandc[at]
Phone : 01332-285235

Nature of Duties: Facilitate HOD meeting, document preparation for faculty recruitment process, file management of faculty and staff

Mr. Kamveer

Sybex Staff

Email : NIL
Phone : 01332-286413/6416

Nature of Duties: Lab maintenance and practical

Mr. Santosh Kumar

Sybex Staff

Email : NIL
Phone : 01332-286442/6224

Nature of Duties: Lab maintenance and practical

Mr. Ankit Kumar

Sybex Staff

Email : NIL
Phone : 01332-286411

Nature of Duties: Lab maintenance and practical

Ms. Preety

Sybex Staff

Email : dapc-office[at]
Phone : 01332-284335

Nature of Duties: Dealing the work of UG&PG students

Mrs. Deepika

Sybex Staff

Email : drc-office[at]
Phone : 01332-284335

Nature of Duties: Dealing the work of PhD students and Diary Dispatch

Ms. Anjali

Sybex Staff

Email : NIL
Phone : 01332-286403

Nature of Duties: Library work of ECE & CSE Deptt.

Mr. Vasu Singh

Sybex Staff

Email :
Phone : 01332-286439

Nature of Duties:  All lab work

Mr. Nitin Verma

Sybex Staff

Email : NIL
Phone : 01332-286411/6455

Nature of Duties:  Lab maintenance and practical

Mr. Shahban

Sybex Staff

Email : NIL
Phone : 01332-285235

Nature of Duties: ECE Dak, HoD Office Work

Mr. Satish Kumar

Sybex Staff

Email : NIL
Phone : 01332-286406

Nature of Duties: Maintenance & dusting work of ECE & CSE deptt. Conference/Seminar/Tea Club and classes etc.