SMDP Lab (VLSI Design Lab II)



The VLSI Design Lab II is dedicated to Speacial Manpower Development Project III (SMDP C2S), sponsored by MEITY, Govt. of India. It has some of the latest and most advance EDA tools and FPGA boards. These includes Cadence EDA Tools, Mentor Graphics EDA Tools, MATLAB, Xilinx, Synopsys TCAD-Full university bundle and HSPICE simulator, and Vivado Tools for Verilog HDL programming. It primarily focuses on experimental studies of VLSI Technology and Design, All the above software tools are hosted on two dedicated servers that support both these labs.

Software Tools available

The VLSI Design Lab has state-of-the-art VLSI EDA Tools that enables our students to learn and design various VLSI Circuits and Devices.


Faculty Incharge

Dr. Sudeb Dasgupta

Faculty Incharge

Dr. Anand Bulusu

Lab Incharge

Mr. Vibhu
Sr. Tech. Supdtt.