RF & Microwave Engineering: Department is pioneer in the area of RF & Microwave engineering. Department have all necessary facilities and tools required for the design, analysis and characterization of on chip/off chip RF/Microwave circuits, systems, sensors and antennas. Core activities in the direction of RF & Microwave technology include phased array antenna, beam forming, CAD tools development, data analytics in sensing, RF transceivers using CMOS/BiCMOS/ GaN/GaAs, AI/ML in layout and custom design, integrated systems for RADAR, Drone RF technology and Electronic Counter Measures using Drone Technologies. Department intend to promote Indigenous development of RF and Microwave system for 5G, 6G, and beyond, Defense and Space applications and provide trained manpower for INDIA Semiconductor mission.
Microelectronics & VLSI Technology: Essential research facilities required for academic and research activities in the area of Microelectronics & VLSI as well as Semiconductor Technology are present in the department. The core research activities cover device physics, digital chip design, analog and mixed signal chip design, fabrication technology etc. All the software tools needed for chip designing e.g. Cadence EDA Tools, Mentor Graphics EDA Tools, MATLAB, Xilinx, Synopsys TCAD-Full university bundle and HSPICE simulator, and Vivado Tools for Verilog HDL programming. Department has facilities such as PECVD, Direct pattern generator, wire bonder, Surface profilometer, Dielectric and metal deposition systems, DC characterization facilities such as probe stations etc. for chips as well as systems.
Communication, Networks and Signal Processing (CNSP):Department intend to excel in Conducting both foundational and application-oriented research, and fostering innovation by developing systems, algorithms, and technologies for 5G/beyond 5G RAN, green communication, intelligent sensing, signal analysis, smart healthcare and smart cities. CNSP group is significantly contributing towards accelerating national mission on 6G standardization and technology development by handling relevant government and industrial projects, contributing at TSDSI, 3GPP, BIF forums and Bharat 6G alliance, creating intellectual properties, start-ups and skilled manpower, and strengthening industry-academia collaboration. Product oriented research and intellectual property creation are focused in the emerging technological areas such as: developing technologies for 6G networks and use cases, standard based 6G research, AI/ML for wireless communications and Industry 4.0 (smart healthcare, autonomous vehicles, smart cities), Quantum communications and signal processing, Optical communications, IoT and big data analytics for smart cities, Green and sustainable wireless communication and sensor networks, Generative AI/large language models.
THz Communication and Sensing: Essential research facilities required for academic and research activities in the area of Integrated Communication & Sensing (ICS) are available in the department. Major facilities available in the department are: 5G/6G research laboratory, THz communication and sensing laboratory, testing facilities for antennas and wireless systems, network analysers up-to 1.1-THz frequency range for characterization of sub-systems and systems etc. All the necessary EDA tools needed for design and analysis of telecommunication systems are available in the department. Future research direction of TCS group are: THz communication and networks, THz sensing and imaging, Bio-Terahertz design, THz generation and detection, Materials and devices for THz systems, THz photonic devices and systems, THz semiconductor chip design, AI and security in THz systems and 6G standardization activity.
Smart Electronic Systems and Sensors : The Smart Electronics Systems and Sensors group primarily focuses on cyber physical systems where, sensors, low latency wireless sensor networks and data analytics are key research areas The group is carrying out research in Radar based sensing, radio direction/location finding, and low power protocols such as LoRa (Long Range) or LoRa WAN. In addition, RF fingerprinting and signal classification based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is another key research area of this group The group is committed in training students to become system design engineers who can also embrace power of AI and ML in electronic system design.