Dr. Bodhibrata Mukhopadhyay has recently joined as an Assist. Professor in the ECE Dept.

Dr. Bodhibrata Mukhopadhyay has recently joined as an Assist. Professor in the ECE Dept. He has earned his M.S. (R) degree in telecommunication and his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) in 2015 and 2021, respectively. He served as the Director of SuxmaSystems—an innovative startup incubated at IIT Delhi—from 2017 to 2024, specializing in intelligent IoT-based cyber-physical systems. Furthering, from 2022 to 2024, he pursued his Post-Doctoral research at the Computer Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Center (CEMSE), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Areas of Interest: His research is centered around nonlinear programming, signal processing, and wireless communications, with a specific focus on centralized/distributed cooperative and non-cooperative localization. He is deeply passionate about leveraging embedded systems to address real-world challenges.