FacultyScheme/titleFunding agencyCo-PIYear
Abhay SahRIS-enabled Hybrid RF/VLC System for Improving QoETCOE, DoT, New DelhiS.K. Singh2024
Abhay SahInter-AP Co-ordinated Cell-Free 6G Communication for Ubiquitous ConnectivityTCOE, DoT, New DelhiA. Patel, IIT Mandi 2024
Abhay SahCell-Free 6G Access PointsC- DOT, DoT, New DelhiA. Patel, IIT Mandi2024
Abhay SahPG Certificate In 5G Technology and IOTCoursera Inc.2024
Abhay SahSystem Level Simulation of CF-mMIMO for Use in 6G The MathWorks, Inc.NA2023
Abhay Sah5G Use Case LabTCIL, New DelhiE. Sharma2023
Abhay SahA Novel Power-on Pilot IC for Ultra-low Power Wireless IoT DevicesMinistry of Electronics & Information Technology, New DelhiS. Dasgupta, A. Bulusu, B. Das, D. Bhat, E. Sharma, S. Kumar et. al.2023
Abhay SahDemystifying CF Communication. for 6G & Beyond SystemsScience and Engineering Research Board (SERB)E. Sharma, A. Jaiswal, and M. Rawat2023
Abhay SahCo-existence of CF-mMIMO with beyond 5G TechnologiesScience and Engineering Research Board (SERB)NA2023
Abhay SahTHz Characterization SystemSRIC, IIT RoorkeeN. Pathak, D. Singh, A. Patnaik, M. Rawat, D. Bhat, E. Sharma et. al.2022
Abhay SahRealizing CF-mMIMO for beyond 5G SystemsScience and Engineering Research Board (SERB)NA2022
Abhay SahDeep Learning for Ultra Massive MIMO SystemsSRIC, IITRNA2021
Amalendu PatnaikDevelopment of Antenna Array Failure Analysis and Compensation TechniquesDST, Govt. of India2007
Amalendu PatnaikDesign optimization of multilayer microstrip antennas using artificial neural networksISRO2008
Amalendu PatnaikDevelopment of healing system for failed antenna array using evolutionary computational techniquesNaval Research Board2013
Amalendu PatnaikDesign of planar circularly antennas for UHF and S-band applicationsAvantel Limited2015
Amalendu PatnaikDesign of broadband horn antenna array for high power applicationsBEL, Hyderabad2017
Amalendu PatnaikAnalysis and performance enhancement of graphene plasmonic antennasSAC, ISRO2018
Amalendu PatnaikRF-DSP co-design techniques for energy/spectral efficient massive MIMO/carrier aggregation in 5G comIMPRINT, DST2018
Anand BulusuDevelopment and Efficient Characterization of FB and DT CMOS PDSOI Standard Cell LibrariesDST (AMT)2019
Anand BulusuNegative capacitance fet (NCFET): fabrication/modeling/simulation for design of digital circuitsDST Nano Mission2019
Anand BulusuAn Energy Efficient IOT Processor Built Using an Optimized Near-Threshold Voltage Standard Cell LibraryIMPRINT-2 (SERB)2019
Anand BulusuA Robust and Scalable VLSI Test Methodology for High Performance CMOS Designs Considering Spatial and Temporal VariationsSemiconductor Research Corporation2018
Anand BulusuICT AcademyDIETY2016
Anand BulusuChips to Systems Design (SMDP)DIETY2015-2021
Anand BulusuRobust Methodology for Nanoscale VLSI Circuit Design Considering Layout Dependent VariatiationsDST2013-2017
Anand BulusuNanoscale FinFET Device and Circuit Design MethodologyDST2009
Anand BulusuSmart Contactless Technology Development For Smart FencingDST2020
Anand BulusuA PDSOI Analog Cell Library Consisting 2 Stage OPAMPS And Comparators Designed Considering Floating Body And Self Heating EffectsISRO2020
Anand BulusuDevelopment of 1.8/5V/10V/20V I/O Pads in SCL’s 0.18µm CMOS ProcessISRO2020
Anand BulusuA Design Methodology of Compute-In-Memory SRAM Macro for AI/ML ApplicationsSemiconductor Research Corporation2020
Anand Bulusu“A Systematic Design of Robust Memory Cell Using Ferroelectric FET (FeFET) for AI Hardware Accelerator”.SERB18-Jan-24
Anshul JaiswalDesign and Implementation of Optical Wireless Communication System Enabled IoTFIG2020
Anshul JaiswalConstellation Domain NOMA (Con-NOMA) for Future Wireless Communication SystemSRG, DST2020
Anshul JaiswalModulation Signaling-based Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution for Optical Wireless Communication SystemsCRG, SERB2023
Anshul JaiswalCV-QKD-Seeded Quantum-Noise Stream Cipher Encryption: Codesign using Advanced ModulationsUS-INDIA Science Technology Endowment FundProf. Sandeep Kumar Singh (PI)2024
Anshul JaiswalTowards Trusted-Node-Free Hybrid Quantum Secure Communication Networks (TAHQEECAT)National Quantum Mission, DST, IndiaLPI: Dr. Bhaskar Kanseri, IITD;
MPIs: Dr. Parvendra Kumar, IITD; Dr. Neel Kanth Kundu, IITD; Dr. Sandeep Kumar Singh, IITR; Dr. Rohit Chaurasiya, IIT Jammu; Sarada Prasad Gochhayat, IIT Jammu; Dr. Varun Raghunathan, IISC Bengaluru; Dr. Ankur Raina, IISER Bhopal
Biplab SarkarThermal Analysis and Modelling of Multi-finger AlGaN/GaN HEMT for RF ApplicationsSERB2019
Biplab SarkarIndo-Japan Collaborative Science ProgrammeDST2020
Biplab SarkarIndo-Japan Collaborative Science ProgrammeDSTTanmoy Pramanik (Co-PI)2024
Biplab SarkarMonolithically integrated Vertical GaN JFET with JBS diode for kilovolt class power
SPARC (MoE)Tanmoy Pramanik (Co-PI)2024
Biplab SarkarGaN Power Amplifier to Deliver one watt per mm at F BandDOTSaravana Kumar M (Co-PI)2024
Bishnu Prasad DasDesign and on-chip characterization of standard cell libraryFIG2015
Bishnu Prasad DasDesign of Voltage-Scalable and Process Variation Tolerant Standard Cell LibrarySERB2016
Bishnu Prasad DasSMDP C2SD (Chips to Systems Design)MEITY2015
Bodhibrata MukhopadhyayDevelopment of single sensor based monitoring solution for federated learning for supersucker waste-water pumps deployed in urban flood situationsDSTProf Subrat Kar2024
Bodhibrata MukhopadhyaySDro-Loc: Advanced Centralized/Distributed Secure Cooperative Drone Swarm Localization-eliminating GPS DependencyFIG-IIT Roorkee2024
Bodhibrata MukhopadhyayUnderstanding the Hyperlocal variability of Air pollutants in Jeddah using IoT-based mobile monitoring units: relevance for future policy (HyAIR)Climate and Livability Initiative Linkage Project King Abdullah University of Science and TechnologyProf Mohamed Slim Alouini2023
Bodhibrata MukhopadhyayDairE: Intelligent Equipment for the Dairy Sector – Phase IIIndian Institute of Technology DelhiProf Subrat Kar2018
Bodhibrata MukhopadhyayDairE: Intelligent Equipment for the Dairy Sector – Phase IIndian Institute of Technology DelhiProf Subrat Kar2017
Brajesh Kumar KaushikStrengthening of Digital Signal Processing LaboratoryAICTE (MODROBS)2001
Brajesh Kumar KaushikModeling and Simulation of Novel Structures of OTFTs and OLEDs and their Application in VLSI CircuitFIG-IITR2011
Brajesh Kumar KaushikStudy of Heat Shimmer Removal Techniques for Long Range Imaging SystemsDRDO2013
Brajesh Kumar KaushikDevelopment of Restoration Techniques for Weather Degraded ImagesDRDO2015
Brajesh Kumar KaushikDevelopment and Real-Time Implementation of Filters to Remove Noise and Blur EffectDRDO2016
Brajesh Kumar KaushikThermal Imager and Its Calibrator for Bad Weather and Night VisionSMILE, IITR2017
Brajesh Kumar KaushikDevelopment of Low Cost Indigenous Earthquake Early Warning SystemIMPRINT-2, SERB, DST2018
Brajesh Kumar KaushikDesign and Analysis of Spintronics Based Devices to SystemsShastri Research Grant (SRG)- Shastri Indo Canadian Institute (SICI)2018
Brajesh Kumar KaushikModeling and Design of All-Optical Switching Devices for DWDM System and Sensors for Health MonitorTARE, SERB, DST2018
Brajesh Kumar KaushikBrain Computer Interface for Neuro and Cognitive ResearchSMILE, IIT Roorkee2018
Brajesh Kumar KaushikAnalysis and Performance Enhancement of Graphene Plasmonic AntennasSAC, ISRO2018
Brajesh Kumar KaushikTransient Absorption, Time Resolved Fluorescence and Sum Frequency Generation SpectroscopySMILE, IIT Roorkee2019
Brajesh Kumar KaushikSpintronics Based In-Memory Computing for Neuromorphic ApplicationsSPARC, MHRD2019
Brajesh Kumar KaushikMassive Parallel Interconnect Architectures for Vision SoC: Exploiting Graphene Nanophotonic Tech.DSD-DAAD2019
Brajesh Kumar KaushikSpin Orbit Coupling based IntelligencE TechnologY (SOCIETY)National Research Foundation, PMO, Singapore2019
Brajesh Kumar KaushikPerformance Analysis of Optical InterconnectTARE, SERB, DST2019
Brajesh Kumar KaushikRadiation Hardened Memory and Logic Design using Hybrid Spintronic-CMOS DevicesCRG, SERB, DST2019
Darshak BhattDesign of integrated low-noise amplifier (LNA) and mixer for
mmWave application
Darshak BhattDesign of high isolation integrated mixer for mm-Wave Science and Engineering Research Board, Government of India2019
Darshak BhattRF system-on-chip solution of Tri-band for the IRNSS using CMOS/BiCMOS process, On-goingDepartment of Space, Indian Space Research Organisation2020
Darshak BhattDevelopment of a 140 GHz Fully Integrated Transmitter and Receiver Module for 6G and beyondTTDF-DOT2023
Debashis GhoshOmni-directional night surveillance systemUNITELE, Malaysia2007
Debashis GhoshSign language recognitin for deaf communicationIITR2009
Debashis GhoshAutomatic biometric verification using image processing techniquesNewgen Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd.2014
Debashis GhoshAgricultural Information Systems for ICTRailtel-IITR Center2014
Ekant SharmaUAV communication for 5G and beyond: A smart anti-UAV designIIT Roorkee2021-2023
Ekant SharmaDesign and Development of New Prototype for RIS-aided CommunicationIIITB COMET Foundation2022-2025
Ekant Sharma5G Advanced ORAN Massive MIMO Base StationIIITB COMET Foundation2022-2026
Ekant SharmaRIS Assisted Cell-free NOMA system for 5G and Beyond CommunicationScience and Engineering Research Board, GOI2022-2024
Ekant Sharma3GPP Complaint PUCCH design for 5G NR UserSpanidea Systems Private Limited2022-2023
Ekant SharmaTHz Characterization SystemSMILE, IIT RoorkeeN. Pathak, D. Singh, A. Patnaik, A. Kumar Sah, E. Sharma, M. Rawat, A. Bulusu, B. P. Das, S. Roy, B. Sarkar, S. Dasgupta, S. Kumar, K. Rawat, R. Panigrahi, U. Dey, Gowrish B., A. Dasgupta, D. Bhatt, R. Kumar, A. Samanta, R. Sharma2022-2023
Ekant SharmaA novel power-on pilot IC for ultra-low power wireless IoT devicesMinistry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of IndiaS. Dasgupta, A. Bulusu, B. Das, D. Bhat, A. Sah, S. Kumar et. al.2023-2026
Ekant SharmaRIS-aided D2D communication for 5G and beyond networksScience and Engineering Re-search Board, Govt. of India2023-2026
Ekant SharmaPG Certificate In 5G Technology and IOTCoursera2023-2026
Gowrish BasavarajappaDesign of Balanced Microwave Filters for RF Communication SystemIIT RoorkeeJan 2022 – Jan 2024
Gowrish BasavarajappaIndigenization of Digitally Tunable Microsrip Band-Pass Filter for Reconfigurable 5G Communication SystemScience and Engineering Research BoardOct 2022 – Oct 2024
Karun RawatDesign of Airborne Power Amplifiers for L-band and UHF frequency range (Ongoing)DST, Government of India2020-2022
Karun RawatWideband Gallium Nitride Based Outphasing Power Amplifier for Upcoming 5G Wireless Transmitters (Ongoing)Extra Mural (SERB Government of India)2019-2022
Karun RawatNonlinear GaN HEMT Device Characterization for Power Amplifier Design and Implementation at X-Band frequencies (Ongoing)(BEL, Government of India)2019-2022
Karun RawatDesign & Development of Ultra-Wideband Multi-Octave Gallium Nitride Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) based Power Amplifier (Ongoing)IMPRINT2 (DST, Government of India)2019-2022
Karun RawatRadio Frequency Power Amplifier Design & Distortion Mitigation for Energy and Spectrum Efficient 5G Wireless Transmitters (Ongoing)SPARC (MHRD, Government of India)2019-2021
Karun RawatBroad-Band Gallium Nitride Based Doherty Power Amplifier for Efficient Amplification of High Crest Factor Signals (Completed)SERB, Government of India.2014-2017
Karun RawatInfrastructural grant under Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics and IT.(Completed)DeitY, Government of India2016-2020
Karun RawatConsultancy project “Experiments development for Software defined radio SDR-Lab” (Completed)Industrial Client Amitec Electronics Ltd., New Delhi2014
Karun RawatConsultancy projectBEL, Government of India2016-2018
Karun RawatTraining to BEL on “Efficient and Linearized Power Amplifier and Transmitters RF Power Amplifier” (Completed)BEL, Bengaluru, India2018-2019
Karun RawatTraining to BEL on “GaN based MMIC PA Design”(Completed)BEL, Bengaluru, India2019
Karun RawatGIAN Course on RF Power Amplifier Design and Integration for 4G/5G Applications” (Completed)MHRD, Government of India2017
Karun RawatStudy of Design Feasibility for High Power GaN based Power Amplifier at Ku-Band in Hybrid MIC Technology (Completed)DoT, Government of India2017-2019
Karun RawatStudy and Design Challenges in GaN MMIC based Power Amplifier at Ku-Band (Completed)DeitY, Government of India2017-2020
Karun Rawata. Prof. Rawat has received several funding from various sponsored research projects and consultancies. His funding is supported by various Government funding agencies, National research labs, public sector units and private industries. For details, please visit www.karunrawat.com....
Karun RawatDesign of 5G Power Amplifiers Under Research Partnership Agreement with WIPRO Ltd. (Ongoing)WIPRO Ltd.2023-2024
Meenakshi RawatScheme for financial assistance for setting up of Electronics and ICT academyDepartment of Electronics and information technology5years
Meenakshi RawatRadio Frequency Front End Signal Processing AlgorithmsLekha Wireless Pvt. Ltd1year
Meenakshi RawatPhysical Layer development for Reconfigurable SDRVedang Radio Pvt. Ltd2years
Meenakshi RawatSoftware defined techniques for hardware limitations in spectrum and power efficient 4G/5G communicationScience and Engineering Research Board, Delhi, India), Government of India3years
Meenakshi RawatHybrid (RF/ Digital) pre-distortion linearizer design for 13.75-15.5 GHz high power travelling wave tube amplifierExtramural Research and Intellectual Property Rights, Government of India3years
Meenakshi RawatRF-DSP co-design techniques for energy/spectral efficent massive MIMO/carrier aggegation in 5G communicationIMPRINT-2 Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi, India, Government of India3years
Meenakshi RawatCharacterization and Digital pre-compensation techniques for 3G+ signals in dual-band transmittersFaculty Initiation grant, IIT Roorkee2years
Meenakshi RawatJio 5G Innovation LabJio platforms LimitedJan.2021- Dec.2026.
Meenakshi RawatDevelopment of Digital predistortion technique for linearization of high power amplifier in VHF/UHFBoard of research in nuclear sciences (BRNS)May 2023- May 2025
MV KartikeyanAnalysis & Simulation of Beam-Wave Interaction and Design of a 42 GHz, 200 kW, CW, GyrotronDept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India2006
MV KartikeyanW-Band GyrotronDRDO2013
MV KartikeyanFIST GrantDST (FIST Grant)2015
MV Kartikeyan95 GHz 100 kW CW GyrotronDRDO2016
Nagendra P. PathakDevelopment of an Electronic Nose for the optimum harvesting time and fruit quality in apple and papNASF, ICAR, Govt. of India2017
Nagendra P. PathakDetection of spoiled coconut at pre-processing stage by portable wireless electronic sensorCoconut Development Board, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India2017
Nagendra P. PathakWide Bandwidth Transceiver Test SystemIIT Roorkee2017
Nagendra P. PathakContactless Vital Sign Monitoring SystemDRDO2015
Nagendra P. PathakFIST GrantDST, Govt. of India2015
Nagendra P. PathakSMDP- Chip to System Design: Affordable Remote Detection of Human Cardiopulmonary Motion,MEITY, Govt. of India2014
Nagendra P. PathakConcurrent Multiband Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits for Multifunctional Communication SystemsCSIR2013
Nagendra P. PathakDevelopment of Non-Radiative on-Radiative Dielectric (NRD) Guide based Low Cost and Low Loss MillimeDST2010
Nagendra P. PathakDesign of NRD Guide Based Millimeter wave Integrated Circuits for Broadband Communications NetworkSERC, DST, Govt. of India2007
Nagendra P. PathakDesign and Development of Microwave Integrated Circuits for Wireless Applications in ISM BandFIG, IIT Roorkee2007
Pyari Mohan PradhanDevelopment of Integrated Framework for Estimation and Storage of Spectrum Occupancy Information, and Wideband Sensing in Cognitive RadioFIG, IIT Roorkee2015
Pyari Mohan PradhanDevelopment of denoising and feature extraction algorithms for spatio- temporal event identificationLogintech Solutions Pvt. Ltd2020
Pyari Mohan PradhanDesign and development of IoT based smart home automation systemSikonic Holding co. Ltd2020
Pyari Mohan PradhanSignal processing based solutions for antenna positioning systemWellmatrix Co. Ltd.2022
Pyari Mohan PradhanDesign and development of a low-cost CPS framework based wearable device for gait analysis in children with cerebral palsyTIH2022
Pyari Mohan PradhanDevelopment of LoRa and LPWAN based system for smart citiesWellmatrix Co. Ltd.2023
Pyari Mohan PradhanDevelopment of Terrestrial Ecosystem Model to study CNP budget over India under the framework of IGBPNRSC, ISRO2023
Rajib Kumar PanigrahiEstimation of Lunar Regolith Roughness and Dielectric Constant using Chandrayaan-II data [PI]Space Application center, ISRO2019
Rajib Kumar PanigrahiDesign and Development of Low-cost of Landslide Early Warning System[PI]NHMS2018
Rajib Kumar PanigrahiDevelopment of polarimetric SAR tools for urban application[PI]Space Application center, ISRO2017
Rajib Kumar PanigrahiDevelopment of tools for hybrid-PolSAR data analysis and applications[PI]Space Application center, ISRO2014
Rajib Kumar PanigrahiDeveloping supervised and unsupervised classification algorithms using PolSAR [PI]FIG, IIT Roorkee2014
Rajib Kumar PanigrahiDevelopment of Satellite Interferometry based Landslide Early Warning (SIn_LEW) System [PI]Space based Disaster management support programme, IIRSDr. D. P. Kanungo, CSIR- CBRI, Dr. R. D. Garg, Civil Dept., IIT RoorkeeJun-22
Rajib Kumar PanigrahiAutomated Lunar Crater Detection Using Payloads from Chandrayaan-2 MissionSpace application centre, ISRO, AhmedabadDr. Himanshu Maurya (PI), ECE Dept, IIITA, PrayagrajJun-22
Sanjeev ManhasFeFET TCAD for Interface EngineeringApplied Materials2019
Sanjeev ManhasNon-filamentary three-Terminal Memristor Architecture for Bio-mimetic and Logic DesignMHRD (SPARC)2019
Sanjeev ManhasTCAD for DRAM and 3D NANDApplied Materials2018
Sanjeev ManhasDIC PhD FellowshipDIC2018
Sanjeev ManhasImplementation of TIDE Scheme for Entrepreneurship DevelopmentMeitY2015
Sanjeev ManhasScheme of Financial Assistance for Setting up of Electronics and ICT Academies, DeitYMeitY2016
Sanjeev ManhasEstablishment of Technology Business Incubator at IIT RoorkeeDST2017
Sanjeev ManhasInvestigation of Silicon Nanowire FET Reliability and its ModelingDST2012
Sanjeev ManhasFIST (Profilometer and PECVD systems for Microelectronics Lab)DST2016
Sanjeev ManhasDevelopment of Microfluidics Based Device to Detect CTCsSMILE2017
Sanjeev ManhasDesign and Development of Carbon Nanotubes Based Chemical SensorDRDO2011
Sanjeev ManhasSi Nanowire CMOS for Ultra High Density CircuitsFIG2009
Sanjeev ManhasCharacterization of Channel Mobility in 3D NANDApplied Materials2020
Saurabh KhannaCore Research Grant for project titled “Compressed Sensing-Based Ultra-High Resolution Automotive FMCW Radars”SERB2024-27
Sourajeet RoyStartup Reserach GrantScience and Engineering Research Board2019-2021
Sourajeet RoyQualcomm Innovation Fellowship IndiaQualcomm IndiaProf. Sudeb Dasgupta2021-2022
Sourajeet RoySemiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Indian Research Program 2022Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC)Prof. Avirup Dasgupta2022
Sparsh MittalSecure and Reliable Non-volatile Memories for Ultra-low Power ApplicationsSERB2017
Sparsh MittalDesigning efficient hardware-accelerators for Autonomous Driving VehiclesSRC, USA2018
Sparsh MittalDesigning Secure and Robust Artificial Intelligence (AI) Algorithms and AcceleratorsSERB2023
Sparsh MittalArchitecture for Accelerating Al workloadsTCS (Consultancy Project)2022-2025
Sparsh MittalIntel PhD Fellowship for a PhD studentIntel2017-2021
Sudeb DasguptaModelling and Simulation of Nanoscale MOSFET for their use in future VLSI/ULSI schemesMinistry of Human Resources and Development, GOI2003
Sudeb DasguptaSMDP-C2SDDEITY2015
Sudeb DasguptaSMDP-IIMinistry of Information and Communication Technology, Government of india2005
Tanmoy PramanikDevelopment and Optimization of Magnetic Field Tolerant Spintronic Devices Targeted Toward Mobile and IOT ApplicationsScience and Engineering Research Board, Govt. of India2021-2023
Tanmoy PramanikMaterials and devices for emerging anti-ferromagnetic memoriesIIT Roorkee2022-2024
Utpal DeyDesign of millimeter-wave (30 GHz to 65 GHz) dielectric waveguide based inter-chip and inter-board interconnectsSRIC, IIT Roorkee2022
Utpal DeyDevelopment of millimeter-wave test bench and instrumentation setup for measurement of electromagnetic elastic scattering with its application to particle spectroscopySERB2023
Utpal DeyDesign of ridge and gap waveguide-based
millimeter-wave slotted antenna array
Tharun Kumar Reddy BolluMachine Learning based drowsiness detection for semi-automated driving: Applications in Health 4.0 and Industry 4.0Start-up Research Grant, Science and Engineering Research Board, Govt. of India2022-2024
Tharun Kumar Reddy BolluMatching Grant SRGMatching Grant SRG, IIT Roorkee2022-2025
Tharun Kumar Reddy BolluData Science and optimal Machine Learning Enabled Drowsiness Detection for Enhancing Situational Awareness from Simulation to Real World Deployment for Semi- Automated DrivingFaculty Initiation Grant, IIT Roorkee2022-2024
Tharun Kumar Reddy BolluAI for Road safetyTIHDr. Anirban (IITG), Dr. Mohan (NIT Raipur), Dr. Muralidhar (NIT Warangal), Dr. G Jaswal (IITM)2024-2026
Tharun Kumar Reddy BolluAdaptive Signal Processing Lab developmentMoE, IndiaDr. RS Anand (IITR)2023-2026
Tharun Kumar Reddy BolluImpact of Indian Classical Ragas on human cognitive functions and development of AI & ML enabled Raga Chikitsa neuro-therapeutic application toolsDSTDr. Laxmidhar Behera, IITK2023-2026
Tharun Kumar Reddy BolluKaryashala workshopSERB-DST2024
Tharun Kumar Reddy BolluResearch awardAerobe pvt ltd and Medianalytika pvt. ltd.2024
Vinod PankajakshanDesign and Development of Video Reenactment-based Tool for Speech Therapy in People with Neurogenic Speech and Articulatory DisordersDST2024
Vinod PankajakshanDevelopment of Software for Authentication of Audio-Video FootageDirectorate of Forensic Science Services, Ministry of Home Affairs2022
Vinod PankajakshanDetection, Early Warning, and Deterrence of Wildlife Species Involved in Human-Wildlife ConflictDivyasampark iHub Roorkee2022
Vishvendra Singh PooniaCore Research Grant (CRG)SERB, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India2022 – 2025
Vishvendra Singh PooniaInspire Faculty FellowshipDepartment of Science and Technology, Government of India2019 – 2024
Priyansha Kaurav3D printing of sub THz waveguide based structuresSRIC, IIT Roorkee2024-2026
Ashish Kumar ChowdharyDesign of optical filters and absorbers for Solar energy harvestingFIG, IIT Roorkee2024-2026
Sandeep Kumar SinghCV-QKD-Seeded Quantum-Noise Stream Cipher Encryption: Codesign using Advanced ModulationsUS-India Science and Technology Endowment Fund (USISTEF)Anshul Jaiswal2024-2026
Sandeep Kumar SinghTowArds trusted-node-free Hybrid Quantum sEcurE CommunicAtion neTworks (TAHQEECAT)National Quantum Mission, Department of Science & Technology, IndiaAnshul Jaiswal, and others from IITD, IISC, IIT Jammu, IISER Bhopal2024- 2031
Sandeep Kumar SinghCognitive Reconfigurable Optical Networking SystemsFIG, IIT Roorkee2024-2026
Sandeep Kumar SinghRIS-Enabled Hybrid RF/VLC System for Improving QoETelecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF)Abhay Kumar Sah (PI)2024-2027
Avirup DasguptaModeling and simulation of stacked nanosheet FETs for upcoming technology nodesFIG, IIT RoorkeeNA2021-22
Avirup DasguptaVariability Aware Compact Modeling of Nanosheet FETsSRG, Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)NA2021-23
Avirup DasguptaMatching Grant (SRG)IIT RoorkeeNA2021-23
Avirup DasguptaModeling research for BSIM modelsUniversity of California BerkeleyNA2021 onwards
Avirup DasguptaSMILE, IIT RoorkeeIIT RoorkeeN. Pathak, D. Singh, A. Patnaik, A. Kumar Sah, E. Sharma, M. Rawat, A. Bulusu, B. P. Das, S. Roy, B. Sarkar, S. Dasgupta, S. Kumar, K. Rawat, R. Panigrahi, U. Dey, Gowrish B., A. Dasgupta, D. Bhatt, R. Kumar, A. Samanta, R. Sharma2022
Avirup DasguptaMachine Learning augmented SPICE Models for Efficient Circuit DesignSemiconductor Research CorporationS. Roy2022-25
Avirup DasguptaA Systematic Design of Robust Memory Cell Using Ferroelectric FET (FeFET) for AI Hardware AcceleratorScience and Engineering Research Board (SERB)A. Bulusu, N. Chauhan2024-27
Avirup DasguptaCommercialising ULTRARAM computer memeoryQUINAS TechnologyNA2024
Avirup DasguptaDesign and Demonstration of a Highly Scalable Quantum Computer using Semiconducting QubitsNational Quantum MissionS. Dasgupta (IITR) , S. Kumar (IITR), V. Poonia (IITR), D. Bhat (IITR), A. Dixit (IITD), K. Paul (IITD), A. Jain (IITD), K. Saha (IITD), Ravikiran Y (BITS, Hyd), D. M. Das (IITRpr), A. Lahgere (IITK), Y. S. Chauhan (IITK), R. Palani (IITD), N. Goel (IITRpr)2024-30
Avirup DasguptaMachine Learning for Electron DevicesIEEE EDS2022
Akhilesh MohanLow frequency flexible and conformal capacitive surface-based broadband absorbers with minimum thickness and maximum bandwidth targeting surveillance RADAR Signal avoidanceScience and Engineering Research Board (SERB)2022-2024
Akhilesh MohanIn band full duplex IFBD antennas for V2X communicationsScience and Engineering Research Board (SERB)2024-2027
Dheeraj KumarDeep learning - based linguistic summarization of clustering results for enhanced understanding of novel datasetsScience and Engineering Research Board (SERB)2022-2024
Anshul TyagiFull Duplex relay Selection in MIMO Cognitive Radio NetworksScience and Engineering Research Board (SERB)2018-2021
Dharmendra SinghDevelopment of Fusion Approach for Retrieving High Resolution Soil Moisture Map from Low Resolution Scatsat-1 dataISRO2016
Dharmendra SinghCreation of Common Research and Technology Development Hub in Renewable Energy Sector (CRTDH)DST, New Delhi2017
Dharmendra SinghDevelopment of Computer Vision Approach of Railway Track Health Monitoring with Fusion of Satellite and Drone DataRICET2017
Dharmendra SinghAn Electromagnetic approach with development of cost effective material for stealth application A Special effort for Development of Camouflage net.SERB, New Delhi2017
Dharmendra SinghAdaptive Snowpack Parameters Estimation and Mapping by using SAR Polarimetry and InterferometryDST2017
Dharmendra SinghAn Advanced Application of Dual Band Radar Polarimetry Data for Crop Identification and Soil Moisture RetrievalISRO2018
Dharmendra SinghDesign and Development of MIMO based microwave Imaging system for target detection and identification behind the wallMinistry of electronics & information Technology, New Delhi2021
Dharmendra SinghDevelopment of Auto-change Detection system for Gas pipeline ROU surveillance using satellite ImagesGAIL (India) Limited , Noida2021
Dharmendra SinghDevelopment of State-of the art novel algorithm for mapping and monitoring the flooded regions and partially submerged vegetation using multi temporal multi-frequency & multi polarization SAR dataIIRS, Dehradun2022
Dharmendra SinghDual-frequency and polarimetric SAR observations of lumar polar region for water ice and surface roughness characterization/ EstimationISRO, Bengaluru2023
Dharmendra Singhan efficient use of e-waste and EM techniques for development of broad band radar wave absorbing materialsSERB, New Delhi2023
Arnab DattaNegative Capacitance FET (NC-FET): Fabrication modelling and simulation for a systematic design of digital circuitsDST2019-2022
Arnab DattaField versus temperature : on exploration of the switching behavior of gapless atomic switch to realize a color sensorSERB,new delhi2021-2024
Saravana KumarDesign of high performance signal sensor for medical applicationsFIG, IIT Roorkee2022-24
Saravana KumarDesign of Bandpass Analog-to-Digital ConvertersSRG, Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)2022-24
Saravana KumarA novel power-on pilot IC for ultra-low power wireless IoT devicesMinistry of Information and Communication Technology, Government of indiaS. Dasgupta, A. Bulusu, D. Bhat, B.P. Das, E. Sharma, A.K. Sah2023-26
Saravana KumarDesign and Demonstration of a Highly Scalable Quantum Computer using Semiconducting QubitsNational Quantum MissionS. Dasgupta (IITR) , S. Kumar (IITR), V. Poonia (IITR), D. Bhat (IITR), A. Dixit (IITD), K. Paul (IITD), A. Jain (IITD), K. Saha (IITD), Ravikiran Y (BITS, Hyd), D. M. Das (IITRpr), A. Lahgere (IITK), Y. S. Chauhan (IITK), R. Palani (IITD), N. Goel (IITRpr)2024-30
Saravana KumarDesign of Backend Electronics SoC for Laser Range Finder ApplicationsDefence Research & Development Organization2024-27